Archive for January 1st, 2007

VistaXP by ~Kol

Remember this from Kol?

Well here’s a short story. Microsoft contacted two time WinCustomize administration regarding of my VistaXP skin. The first time they told them to remove the skin. They romoved it but they put the skin back online because they can’t selectively enforce. In November they contacted WinCustomize and they took the skin down again.
Yestarday I got an e-mail from the people that represent Microsoft in intellectual property matters and they requested me to remove the skin from all the website where it is available.

Sorry everyone but now more updates or download links to VistaXP and please do not redistribute the skin. The question is why only my skin and not all other Vista based themes out there? I know they have the right to take my skin down and I dont ave any problem with it but I think is not fair to take only one skin when there are a lot of other skins using the same resources that I used.

Now Microsoft, Biggest Software Corp in the World, Currently Releasing Windows Vista in 2007 and has terrible history with lawsuits ;).
How long has it been since VistaXP was Banned? how many themes has Microsoft Made since VistaXP was banned? and finally how many themes have been made that look exactly like vista?
Lets Just say a hell of alot, now its come to my attention that People are looking for Vista XP and now Vista is Final lets Bring VistaXP Back:

VistaXP is not illegal in the tech world microsoft was just been a bully and picked Kol out of the hat of People to take down Skins of Microsoft Windows Vista. “There are Plenty of Themes that are totally like Windows Vista Microsoft Go pick on them for once”

I have Setup a folder at my personal host for VistaXP so get them while there hot 😉
VistaXP Visual Style v2.0 by ~kol
VistaXP WindowBlinds Theme v3.0 by ~Kol

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January 2007